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UX/UI and Service Designer
Hi, I'm Shriya, a user focused designer, armed with an analytical, problem solving, and a creative approach, passionate about creating effective, efficient and delightful experiences!

Selected Work
Design thinking
Information architecture
Explored the application of UX design in the highly regulated medical device industry. I supported a comprehensive restructuring of the information architecture in the software version intended for commercial release. Prioritizing scalability, usability, feasibility and value in my designs, I contributed to the product roadmap.

Vocera Wave - coming soon
UX/UI design
Diffusion of Innovations theory
Explored the intersection of UX principles and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory, to create a usable product, primed for adoption. Insights from interviews with healthcare professionals led to organizing the unstructured nurse call system allowing call requests to be triaged appropriately to relevant team members. Factors such as compatibility with context and reduced complexity were taken into consideration. The mutually beneficial nature of the system serves the shared goal of efficient patient care – patients feel prioritized and heard, while healthcare workers benefit from a reduced workload and fewer disturbances.
Usability analysis
UI design
Leveraged the power of design and technology in streamlining patient intake processes within the healthcare system. With the aim of increasing intake’s completion rates, I applied Nielson Norman’s usability heuristics to identify pain points in the user experience. I redesigned the product’s onboarding experience, introduced a progress tracker and redesigned inputs that matched users mental models. This would result in higher completion and satisfaction rates.
Our Dinner Table
Service design
Business model development
Explored the practice of service design by designing a one stop service that addresses needs surrounding food insecurity and senior isolation. Identifying stakeholders with complimentary needs and harnessing under utilized resources, I designed a business model that values reliability, consistency and mutual aid. Our Dinner Table won the Best Student Project at the Vancouver UX Awards in 2023 and has ben endorsed by the Vancouver Economic Commission and Recycling Alternative organizations.

Dec 14, 2023

May 25, 2023
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